View Pager AIX extension for android development projects


A ViewPager extension in Android is a component that allows users to swipe left and right through different pages of content. It’s commonly used for implementing screen slides, tabbed interfaces, and onboarding screens.

Uses of View Pager AIX extension

ViewPager is widely used in Android apps for various UI implementations where users need to swipe between pages or sections. Below are some common use cases:

1. Onboarding Screens / Intro Slides

  • Used to show a series of introductory screens when a user opens an app for the first time.
  • Helps explain the app’s features with swipeable slides.
  • Often combined with DotsIndicator or TabLayout for better navigation.



Types of ViewPager included in in Android AIX extension

There are two main implementations:

  1. ViewPager (Legacy – Deprecated)

    • ViewPager (from androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager) was used in older projects with FragmentPagerAdapter or FragmentStatePagerAdapter.
    • This is now deprecated in favor of ViewPager2.
  2. ViewPager2 (Recommended)

    • ViewPager2 (from androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2) is the modern version with improved functionality.
    • It supports vertical scrolling, better fragment handling, and works well with RecyclerView.Adapter.


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